Hair fall is quite a common problem which occurs during the rainy season. The main reason is increased humidity, scalp infection, and brittleness, which cause hair fall. Summer presents its own set of problems, but the monsoon season aggravates the problem with scalp diseases and exposure to harmful toxins. Such a state of hair can be easily damaged further due to lack of proper care and treatment. For effective solutions, consider seeking Hair Fall Treatment in Delhi, where experts can provide the right care and guidance to combat seasonal hair issues. Continue reading to know more!
Humidity: During the rainy seasons, hair absorbs more moisture in the air making it swell and weaken. Hydrogen bonds within the hair are weakened, thus making it prone to tangling, frizz, and breakage from combing or styling. Wet hair is very fragile. Continuous use of anti-humidity products, conditioning frequently, and not using heat-styling can help minimize hair damage.
Polluted Rainwater: Polluted rainwater, dust, and smoke abound in the rainwater, which breaks the hair and harms the scalp’s pH balance resulting in irritation and hair fall. Hard water, replete with minerals such as calcium and magnesium, dries the hair up by creating brittleness and excessive shedding, together they irritate the scalp causing bacterial acne or fungus in dandruff, resulting in a weakening of the hair follicles, causing hair loss.
Fungal Infection: In the rainy season, fungal infections such as Malassezia thrive and so is very severe dandruff along with redness, itching, and hair fall. A worse kind of dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis which can weaken the hair follicles and cause inflammation and hair loss. Other fungal infections like ringworm are more common in damp conditions, resulting in scaly patches, weakened follicles, and increased hair loss due to continuous scratching.
Loss of Natural Oils: Overwashing removes natural oils from the scalp, thus leaving hair brittle and dry and breaking easily. Without enough sebum, hair becomes frizzy, tangling together, making the scalp susceptible to dryness, itchiness, dandruff, or infections. All these condition hair roots to become weakened and lead to shedding hair.
Consult the Top Surgeon for Female Hair Transplant in Delhi!
Are you having a bad hair fall experience this rainy season? Let the expert in hair restoration help you regain your healthy hair and fight off the season. You can experience advanced hair restoration with the best world-renowned female hair transplant surgeon in Delhi, Dr. Urvashi Chandra of Chandra Clinic. With FUE and BIO-IPT, the most complicated techniques, she guarantees perfectly natural-looking results through precisely implanted hair follicles that complement thinning or balding areas. Book your consultation today and uncover all expert guidelines on hairline design and all post-op care to achieve the best results.
Hair Transplant Surgeon in Delhi is extremely passionate about hair transplant surgery and has been performing hair transplants since the last 13 years.
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